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Michael & Rhiannon - A Hogwarts Inspired Wedding

Michael and Rhiannon met in high school and began dating the summer after her senior year and ended up going to college in the same town. They just clicked and say it's been awesome ever since! In fact, their wedding day, August 11th, 2018, is one day short of a six year dating anniversary for them!

After their fifth dating anniversary, Rhiannon told Michael flat out that they were going to get married August 11th, 2018 and he just needed to pick when he was going to propose. Michael had a big day planned mid January, but Rhiannon claims she messed it all up because her car broke down and she told him they would be going to the city to find her a car. They spent the entire day shopping for a car and after buying one, they were both so exhausted, they just wanted to go home.

Once they were home, Michael asks Rhiannon to stay in the car and claimed he needed to get something to take to his mom's. At some point, Michael had set up a surprise in their home including a new chest full of Harry Potter books with a cute note inside. When Rhiannon turned around, Michael was on a knee with the ring.

Rhiannon says that despite Michael's original plans didn't work out, she thought him proposing in their home made it a very special day for them!

When I met Michael and Rhiannon to discuss wedding plans, I was so excited to find out they were hoping to include details from Harry Potter as their wedding theme. Let me tell you, Rhiannon put a ton of work into her details and they were so worth it! She used pages from Harry Potter books to create paper flowers, table runners and other items. The invitations, groomsmen's ties, bridesmaid's dresses and necklaces all went along with the Hogwarts theme as well! We were treated with sweets from Honey Dukes and enjoyed non-threatening Poly Juice Potion and Amortentia.

Michael and Rhiannon, your wedding day was a blast! From the moment I first met you to discuss your wedding plans, I was excited to see this day and your creative wedding plans unfold! As I continued to get to know you, I quickly learned how fun the two of you are! Your wedding day was a reflection of the awesome couple that you are! I bet you are having a great time in Florida visiting Harry Potter World (of course) and the other Disney Parks! Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your incredible day!

It was very important to the couple that their "babies" be included in some of the images. If I'm being honest, I was worried this wasn't going to happen. But their two cats, were eager to be a part of the wedding day and honestly posed for me! I couldn't have asked for better feline models for this day!

I mentioned how fun this bride and groom are right? Well Rhiannon couldn't let the "First Look" go without some fun! It took a little bit to get situated and get the costume on. I've been wondering if Michael was thinking, "What in the world is taking so long?" His reaction was hilarious when he turned around expecting to see his beautiful bride and he was greeted by a t-rex!

Rhiannon, you are gorgeous! Your beauty is timeless and your brilliance shines! Michael has really found a treasure in you.

Check out those Harry Potter details!

This wedding party was seriously a party! They laughed, they played, they enjoyed the day! They were up for whatever and they rocked the portraits! Michael and Rhiannon are so blessed to be surrounded by such awesome friends! This group of people made us laugh all day!

Can it seriously get any more gorgeous! Gah! Eye candy for days!

I had the hardest time narrowing down images for the blog! So pretty!

Michael, what a handsome guy Rhiannon has found. You are patient, smart, and laugh in the joy of life. I will love to see your relationship continue to bloom!

"Marriage is a magical gift. The author Mark Twain noted that 'Marriage makes two fractional lives a whole, (...) and it gives two questioning natures a reason for living, and something to live for, it will give a new gladness to the sunshine, a new fragrance to the flowers, a new beauty to the earth, a new mystery to life." (from the ceremony)

"I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. As I place it on your finger, I commit the whole of my heart and soul to you. I promise to love and honor you. To treasure and respect you. To walk with you side-by-side in joy and sorrow. I vow to laugh with you and to share in your laughter. I vow to be honest and caring and truthful. I promise to cherish you for the rest of my days, and to grow old by your side. I give you all that I am, and accept all that you are from this day forward." (from the ceremony)

"To have been loved so deeply (...) will give us some protection forever. You are protected in short by your ability to love!" (J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone)


I'm soooo in love with this venue and how gorgeously Rhiannon put it together!

The shoe game is always funny and Michael and Rhiannon wouldn't be ones to miss out! "Who's family is crazier?" "Who snores the loudest?" I love seeing their answers!

This was a new one for me. A sack race at the reception, but from the moment Michael and Rhiannon told me about it, I was excited! The icing on the cake for an incredibly fun reception!

Cake & Cupcakes: Sweet Surprises Bakery

Flowers: The Bride

Her Dress: Mod Cloth

Wedding Invitations: Handcrafted - 4you on Etsy

Ceremony Decor: The Pink Orchid

His Ring: Walmart


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